Le French Fest— une grande fête française pour tous
Francophone history and culture is alive and well in Sudbury—did you know that in all of Canada outside of Québec, we have the third largest francophone community? We even created the Franco-Ontarian flag (pictured here) and raised it for the first time on September 25, 1975 at Laurentian University. This is why September 25th was officially named Franco-Ontarian Day in 2010.
Greater Sudbury is home to both long-standing festivals, and young burgeoning ones, Le French Fest falls into the latter category with its inception in 2015. The initial drive to create this new festival in 2015 was the celebration of 400 years of French presence in Ontario. The community got behind the event and made it a resounding success, as such, it’s back once again!
Everyone is invited to share the joie de vivre and feel French for a day!
Bring the whole family to La Slague jeunesse's French Fest Family Day September 28, 2019; check out live performances, storytelling, a musical village, sensory itineraries, family yoga, a reading zone, visual arts, face painting and a tasty lunch! Come and celebrate back-toschool time and the province’s official Franco-Ontarian Day. For the full line up of festivities, stay tuned to La Slague's Facebook page at bit.ly/2JxhD77